Friday 19 June 2009

Refugee Week

The 15th-21st June is Refugee Week.
The main focus this year is the Simple Acts Campaign, where people use small, everyday actions to change peoples perceptions of refugees.
Action 5 is - Say a Little Prayer for Me

When a butterfly flaps its wings, it makes a tiny change in the atmosphere, which in turn can change the path of a tornado or a big wave. This is the so-called Chaos Theory, which describes how small events can influence big events.
Now, if we apply this theory to human beings it works like this:
You say a prayer for refugees. In prayer you use your imagination to put yourself in their place. This experience creates a tiny change in you, which in turn creates changes in those close to you, which in turn sets off a wave of change coming from within your community and affecting the way others perceive refugees

To find about more about Refugee Week visit the website

To find more simple actions you can perform click here.

I will be free, I shall be free...

... by the power of Him who lives in me.

I will be free I shall be free

By the power of Him who lives in me

And if I should ever stumble and fall

And if I should slip away

And if my life makes no sense at all

I still will know that you can save

I will be free I shall be free

By the power of Him who lives in me

And if I should ever take my chances

And if I should cheat on you

And if I should flirt with hopeless romances

I still will know that you ae true

I will be free I shall be free

By the power of Him who lives in me

Sammy Horner

As used in the June parade service.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Chester Parade

A whole coach load of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and parents braved some very wet weather at the County Parade in Chester!

Sunday 7 June 2009

World Week for Peace in Palestine

The prayers from today's 10.30 service were based around the World Week for Peace in Palestine.
For more infomation from the world council of churches website click

Saturday 6 June 2009

Beaver Sports Day

Congratulations to the Beavers on their first place in the Widnes sports competition! All the children tried their best, and the practicing of three legged races, sack races, bean bag races and egg and spoon all paid off!